List of short listed candidates for the post of technical assistant whose counselling is to be held on 17-11-2018(Saran District)
START: 12/11/2018 END: 17/11/2018List of short listed candidates for the post of technical assistant whose counselling is to be held on 17-11-2018(Saran District)
List of short listed candidates for the post of Accountant-cum-IT Assistant whose counselling is to be held on 20-11-2018(Saran District)
START: 12/11/2018 END: 20/11/2018List of short listed candidates for the post of Accountant-cum-IT Assistant whose counselling is to be held on 20-11-2018(Saran District)
Order No. 210/2019(Establishment,Saran,Chapra)
START: 12/07/2019 END: 23/07/2019Order No. 210/2019(Establishment,Saran,Chapra)
Proceedings of District Selection Committee meeting held on 07.12.2020 in relation to the appointment of Executive Assistants
START: 12/12/2020 END: 12/01/2021Proceedings of the meeting of the District Selection Committee held on 07.12.2020 in relation to the appointment of Executive Assistants under the chairmanship of District Magistrate, Saran, Chapra
Joint order related to Bihar Public Service Commission 64th Joint (Primary) Competitive Examination 2018.
START: 12/12/2018 END: 19/12/2018Joint order related to Bihar Public Service Commission 64th Joint (Primary) Competitive Examination 2018.
Joint order for Ganesh Chaturthi 2023
START: 11/09/2023 END: 30/09/2023Joint order for Ganesh Chaturthi 2023
Joint order for Ananta Chaturdashi 2023.
START: 11/09/2023 END: 30/09/2023Joint order for Ananta Chaturdashi 2023.
Joint order for Vishwakarma Puja 2023.
START: 11/09/2023 END: 30/09/2023Joint order for Vishwakarma Puja 2023.
Nutrition kits distribution to tuberculosis patients
START: 10/02/2023 END: 27/10/2023On 10.02.23, District Magistrate Saran Mr. Rajesh Meena distributed nutrition kits to 5 tuberculosis patients adopted under the Prime Minister’s TB-free India campaign.