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Short term tender related to accommodation for organizing state level youth festival (three days)

Short term tender related to accommodation for organizing state level youth festival (three days)

DEO Portal (OLD)

jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // Slider $('.home-slider').flexslider({ animation: ($('body').hasClass('rtl'))?"fade":"slide", directionNav: true, prevText: "Previous", nextText: "Next", pausePlay: true, pauseText: "Pause", playText: "Play", controlNav: false, start: function(slider){ $('body').find('.flexslider').resize(); if(slider.count==1){ slider.pausePlay.parent().remove(); } $('.home-slider ul.slides li.clone a').each(function() { $(this).replaceWith($(this).html()); }) } }); }); DEO MESSAGE “Voting is your right and right emerges from the freedom you have. Your freedom is protected, [...]

लोकसभा आम चुनाव 2024 के लिए FLC OK ईवीएम की सूची

लोकसभा आम चुनाव 2024 के लिए FLC OK ईवीएम की सूची

FLC OK EVM List for Lok Sabha General Election 2024

FLC OK EVM List for Lok Sabha General Election 2024

लोकसभा आम चुनाव 2024 के लिए बूथ की सूची

लोकसभा आम चुनाव 2024 के लिए बूथ की सूची

Booth List for Lok Sabha General Election 2024

Booth List for Lok Sabha General Election 2024

Dated under the chairmanship of District Road Safety Committee, Saran. On 28.10.2023 in the afternoon. Proceedings of the monthly meeting of the month of October concluded at 03:00PM

Dated under the chairmanship of District Road Safety Committee, Saran. On 28.10.2023 in the afternoon. Proceedings of the monthly meeting of the month of October concluded at 03:00PM

Short Term Tender Notice No. 19/2023 ( District Nazareth Office, Saran

Short Term Tender Notice No. 19/2023 ( District Nazareth Office, Saran

सोनपुर मेला 2023 के अवसर पर मेला में मद्य निषेध विभाग में स्टाल लगाने हेतु अतिअल्पकालीन निविदा आमंत्रण सूचना

सोनपुर मेला 2023 के अवसर पर मेला में मद्य निषेध विभाग में स्टाल लगाने हेतु अतिअल्पकालीन निविदा आमंत्रण सूचना (ज्ञापांक सं०:- 2509, दिनांक:- 03/11/2023)

Very short term tender invitation notice for setting up a stall in the Prohibition Department in the fair on the occasion of Sonpur Fair 2023

Very short term tender invitation notice for setting up a stall in the Prohibition Department in the fair on the occasion of Sonpur Fair 2023 (Memo No.:- 2509, dated:- 03/11/2023)